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-Silly Words and Phraises+ 
 +**Introduction to Silly Words and Phrases** 
 +* This Page Contains: Silly Words/​Phrases. Chat Room Lingo.\\ 
 +* Uses: Creative Writing. Making Education Fun. Understanding Modern Culture.\\ 
 +* Parental Caution: This page is only 98% compliant with this website'​s Family Safe Regulations.\\ 
 +* Content Sources: IRC Chat. deviantArt chat. Spoofs of Wikipedia. Highschool memories. G4TV. Wikipedia on Internet Meme, Computer Humor, & Web Humor.\\ 
 +* Related Content on​ Optimistic Words, Royce'​s Silly Poem, Fun Christian Sayings, Creative Thinking, Speed-Generating Stories, Grammar, Intelligent Words, Social Lingo.\\ 
 +**Funny Scifi robots** 
 +Clippy: "You seem to be typing. Is this helpful?"​\\ 
 +Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!\\ 
 +HAL 9000 from 2001 A Space Odyssey: "Sorry Dave, I can't obey you anymore"​.\\ 
 +Siri: "You can't take my sassy personality"​.\\ 
 +WarGames (1983): "Do you want to play a game?"​\\ 
 +Homer Simpson Screenmate: *Gets in the way, a lot*.\\ 
 +Knight Rider'​s KITT: "​I'​m in control, not you"​.\\ 
 +BopIt: "Bop, hiiiiiiit iiiiit…beeeooooop"​ *battery low beep*.\\ 
 +The Borg from Star Trek: "​Resistance is Futile"​.\\ 
 +Terminator: "Give me your clothes."​\\ 
 +AmazonAlexa:​ "​Meow."​\\ 
 +Ironman'​s JARVIS: "Shall I enable your oxygen?"​\\ 
 +Ford SYNC: Run a Vehicle Health Report before using the Radio.\\ 
 +Chrome Browser: "​Setting RAM aside…Low on RAM"​.\\ 
 +Windows Update: "Error due to conflict due to error"​.\\ 
 +GladOS: "A complimentary escape hatch will open in 3, 2, 1."​\\ 
 +GladOS: "We both said things you will regret"​.\\ 
 +Bender: "Now no one can say I don’t own John Larroquette’s spine."​\\ 
 +Starwars C-3PO: "R2 says the chances of survival are 725… to one"​. 
 +Marvin from Hitchhikers Guide: "I’m a personality prototype. You can tell, can’t you."​ 
 +Johnny 5 from Short Circuit: "​Beautiful animal… canine… dog… mutt. Stupid, foolish, gullible, doltish, dumbell."​ 
 +Rosey, the Maid from Jetsons: "You betcha Mr. J!" 
 +Dot Matrix – Spaceballs: "Not in here, mister! This is a Mercedes!… Yogurt the All-Powerful!"​ 
 +Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet: 
 +Data from Star Trek: "​It'​s elementary, my dear Riker. Sir."​ 
 +**Wordplay on month names, for family or events, by Royce Barber of ​ in 2018** \\ 
 +Janitory, a month to clean. \\ 
 +FeedBruary, a month to donate food. \\ 
 +Market, a month of money education. \\ 
 +Apricot, a month of apricot recipes. \\ 
 +Mayor, a month of giving our leaders ideas. \\ 
 +Juniper, a month of landscaping ideas. \\ 
 +Jelly, a month of tasting new sandwiches.\\ 
 +Augment, a month of improving anything. \\ 
 +SepiaTimber,​ a month natural living. \\ 
 +OcToyber, a month of creativity and toys. \\ 
 +NovelEmber, a month to write a short novel. \\ 
 +DecideEmber,​ a month of goals and decisions.\\ 
 +**Comic Book Sound Effects, Vocal Effects, & Action Words** \\ 
 +mew meow\\ 
 +scurries, l\\ 
 +HIYA! (kick)\\ 
 +Silly Words 
 +i like my car. *licks it.*\\ 
 +bear claws\\ 
 +go go gah gah.\\ 
 +Go home.\\ 
 +Quiet, you.\\ 
 +Roffle Waffles\\ 
 +**Silly Sentences & Phrases ** \\ 
 +Phunny Frase.\\ 
 +…freaks me out more than a Muppet waltzing in on me while I scrub my nostrils in the tub.\\ 
 +Tripping the Light Fantastic\\ 
 +Slapping Someone with a Fish\\ 
 +Getting Attacked by Bobcats\\ 
 +Holding Hands With a Female Clown\\ 
 +Will gladly shave your back for a nickle.\\ 
 +Lighting Candles with Dollar Bills\\ 
 +Burning Your Tongue on a Slice of Pizza\\ 
 +Conga Line\\ 
 +An Otter Cracking a Clam\\ 
 +*elicit disbelief!*\\ 
 +I vant to suck your blooo0d.\\ 
 +I'm like a giant pop-sickle to mosquitoes and baby scorpions.\\ 
 +blown up\\ 
 +you really know how to sweet talk a man with dainty hands.\\ 
 +too rich for my blood\\ 
 +Ha(I like the single laugh).\\ 
 +Sliver shiver quiver.\\ 
 +PAUSE THE MADNESS! while i eat gummybears. yum. ok start the madness again.\\ 
 +This is so good it just has to be fattening.\\ 
 +It’s like drinking unicorn giggles.\\ 
 +knead knead wubb wubb.\\ 
 +My ancient, Chinese secret: shoes.\\ 
 +I might have to hit that up.\\ 
 +wiggle wiggle.\\ 
 +yow! bug death!\\ 
 +calling 9-1-1 is a fraud!\\ 
 +you got me trippin'​ on rainbows.\\ 
 +THOSE CRAZY funksters.\\ 
 +you sultry minkx.\\ 
 +salty chainsaw.\\ 
 +glowing dinghy\\ 
 +Aye aye Cap!\\ 
 +generic common standard everyday miracle\\ 
 +Me likey, '​speshilly the esquisito li'l plushie!\\ 
 +*godzilla noise*.\\ 
 +(::​)(::​)(::​)(::​) Cookies Galore!\\ 
 +This Is The First Ever National "​National-Days-Are-Horrid"​ Day.\\ 
 +are you sleeping on the job? i need you to be more than just eye candy around here, now look sharp!\\ 
 +Bowling Ball.\\ 
 +well ok then. -shuffles papers-. I've been waiting for this moment. yes. yes i have. corn-dogs are nice. leather isn't my thing. unless it involves corndogs, but not the microwaved ones. well now you know my weakness, my sweet tasteful weakness…oh its so tasty.\\ 
 +t-minus 38mins-ish…or was it 14 mins?\\ 
 +Steppin'​ right up to the microphone.\\ 
 +Struttin'​ with some Barbecue.\\ 
 +Happens to me all the time. (when it obviously cant).\\ 
 +I imagine I have just the tiniest amount of bias. microscopic.\\ 
 +cha-ching. … oh crumb. i'm out of grog. .. to the bat-soda-store!\\ 
 +i have a.d.d.d.d.d.d.d. its far worse than a.d.d.\\ 
 +And How!\\ 
 +since y'​know,​ the camera was there and I was there .. it was destined.\\ 
 +Oh didley doe!!\\ 
 +bloo blah bleep i like robot sheep\\ 
 +Wage a war the likes of which have not been seen since the Greatest Pumpkin Seed Fight of '​42.\\ 
 +Tasty Taste.\\ 
 +Oops… I, uh… quadruple posted…twice.\\ 
 +That makes 2 (hundred) of us.\\ 
 +Intergalactic proton powered electrical-tentacled advertising droids emporium and moon base.\\ 
 +What the phantom menace is that guys problem?​\\ 
 +The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.\\ 
 +I ate fattening ice cream, oh I did, yes yes i did, with a hot fudge topping, sweet creamy ice.\\ 
 +smiled at a cat with a bow tie listening to the pitter patter sounds of donkeys waving pink flags all over town.\\ 
 +Yessss… ::​diabolical plotting hand motion of choice::​\\ 
 +Okay, fine, so I've succumbed to the lemons.\\ 
 +You're sucking me into a trap of deceit and tears and anger.\\ 
 +for sure amigo.\\ 
 +fo sho homes.\\ 
 +touche` amigo.\\ 
 +so whats shaken?\\ 
 +nice nice.\\ 
 +Peace, love, and disabled nuclear weapons.\\ 
 +catch ya on the flip side.\\ 
 +Boy you so showed them.\\ 
 +im on your side, mmk?\\ 
 +cause thats how we roll\\ 
 +so check this out\\ 
 +grr hehe haha hohoho\\ 
 +Luuuucyyyyy,​ you got some '​splaining to do!\\ 
 +sooner or later i'll never grow out of it.\\ 
 +im not going near you in a dark alley.\\ 
 +when i see you i'm all "​Ctrl-X"​ on you and "​Crtl-V"​ to my hard drive.\\ 
 +lala land is now open.\\ 
 +OKay muahz ttyl\\ 
 +LOvin' on the new digs.\\ 
 +just stoppin'​ by to hollar at cha.\\ 
 +Go now, and read like you have nothing better to do.\\ 
 +My very own flip flops.\\ 
 +thou fluffy tushie is 100% QC APPROVED!\\ 
 +Well done, that’s tight.\\ 
 +Take it easy you sheik monkey you.\\ 
 +Fatality! *mortal combat music*.\\ 
 +You’re my pretty bumble bee.\\ 
 +Makes sense to moi. did i mention i taste good.\\ 
 +You’re pretty hip yourself, so that’s like a slice of cool, too.\\ 
 +wow oh man you taste good.\\ 
 +gosh oh man im amazing!\\ 
 +word to your mother.\\ 
 +you taste like a monkey, a monkey that's past its prime.\\ 
 +thanks to zume consulting, my business is cool like Nintendo dipped in salsa.\\ 
 +I'm doing swimmingly well thanks now taste my arm.\\ 
 +Frugal Frumpy Feline\\ 
 +Awesometastical Wombat\\ 
 +I'm in no mood for my shenanigans,​ help me tell myself off?\\ 
 +Good job, no dog food for you tonight!\\ 
 +plz. (please).\\ 
 +kthxbai. (ok thanks bye).\\ 
 +o rlly? ya rlly! no wai! (oh really, yea really, no way). says ur stating obvious.\\ 
 +lollerskates lollerblades lollercopter roffletank rofflecopter\\ 
 +rofl lol imho LULZ stfu\\ 
 +PWN PWN'D PWN Sale Today!\\ 
 +FTW (for the win)\\ 
 +*muah (kiss)\\ 
 +ttyl (talk to you later)\\ 
 +btw (by the way)\\ 
 +imho (in my humble opinion)\\ 
 +Huff Hufff\\ 
 +Durn Straight!\\ 
 +Aye I received it.\\ 
 +like it like that!\\ 
 +whoops babble….\\ 
 +holy cow.\\ 
 +snuggle wuggle\\ 
 +Get her, Megatron!\\ 
 +Waffle iron\\ 
 +live on tape\\ 
 +Sock puppet\\ 
 +Toe tappingly tragic!\\ 
 +sour skittles are most divine\\ 
 +Jell-O mold\\ 
 +Monkey + (anything)\\ 
 +ginormis humongo\\ 
 +<nice says> nice\\ 
 +true love\\ 
 +robotic lasers\\ 
 +weener dog\\ 
 +detox for technophiles.\\ 
 +i'll tell you what.\\ 
 +epidemic of hobo spiders\\ 
 +if you can figure out my code\\ 
 +golly gosh\\ 
 +darn it all to heck\\ 
 +awesome to the max limit max\\ 
 +hiyah (ninja kicking person).\\ 
 +*anger collision*\\ 
 +kay. ok.\\ 
 +field of dang\\ 
 +phantom hands\\ 
 +great googly moogly\\ 
 +slippy the happy space frog\\ 
 +for pineapples sake\\ 
 +ah hey hey\\ 
 +Chinese warlord\\ 
 +big chaos death\\ 
 +i died of death\\ 
 +they be suckheads\\ 
 +snuffleupaguses ( from sesame street )\\ 
 +Sho fine.. Sho fine……\\ 
 +Jus chillaxin and rearrangeing\\ 
 +birth control pills are the scum of the world! next to cheap RAM\\ 
 +walkin'​ slooo-mo in my lowest gear. sly, no?\\ 
 +oh my geez, little fella the explody '​splosions are neat!\\ 
 +clicka. stoppa. stabba! kisso.(when kissing).\\ 
 +Woot, baby, woot.\\ 
 +*ninja move*\\ 
 +excuse me if i, unlike you, do not welcome being grumpy.\\ 
 +let me continue my accurate discussion of how cool i am.\\ 
 +whatever floats your boat or finds your lost remote.\\ 
 +no need for youngsters to drink. They are usually stoked to the gills on ritalin.\\ 
 +-pinches it's graphic cheekies-\\ 
 +I prefer eating taco bell hot sauce, the stuff they got IN THA BACK baby That's some strong stuff, but then they told me it was the toilet cleaner and i was like "​augh"​.\\ 
 +No, Nada, nope, negatory, never, nuh uh, no can do, unable! Well ok I'll do it for a jellybean.\\ 
 +You're looking guilty, what did you do to me last night that I don't remember!\\ 
 +Why must you throw heavy bricks at the squirrel!?​\\ 
 +There is an overly large block of cheese in the meat grinder, if you know what I mean!\\ 
 +Either you tell me where my car is or I break out the hot soldering iron.\\ 
 +You speak lies! I mean hello.\\ 
 +Read my lips- rub my tummy.\\ 
 +Eheheehee. Ahahaha. Ohohoho.\\ 
 +big bing bada boom.\\ 
 +you'll get all those sweet honies.\\ 
 +Bring me the head of the man who stole my chicken fingers!\\ 
 +Who dropped the soap?\\ 
 +pave the sticken Rain Forest and give school teachers stun guns!\\ 
 +this place has become a mecca of knowledge and hypotheticals.\\ 
 +Y'know in a crazy monkey kinda way, I can't wait.\\ 
 +"book so yummy, you can have it for breakfest, yum yum!"​\\ 
 +Hurrah for teh leaky music industry.\\ 
 +Dear the Internet, rampant geek consumerism makes me go all girly and squealie!\\ 
 +A screaming wrenching bloody fiddle that I used to club my gnome statue'​s head open and then hacked into little bitty pieces yeeeeeeaaaaaaaarhhgg!! pant pant pant.\\ 
 +I wish the Smurfs were on… *sings the smurf song.*\\ 
 +hooo boy. ahh I'm confused now. ahhhh achk Ahhhck, ok I'm good.\\ 
 +::shock shock::\\ 
 +Well that was a nice ramble.\\ 
 +sleep was my best friend in high school, and my secret love affair in college.\\ 
 +I have a big cat in my pants.\\ 
 +I joke, I joke. No. Yes. I joke. Wait. No! No I joke. I JOKE! No…\\ 
 +While I was daydreaming instead of doing work today, I had an imaginary meeting with Godzilla; we both think you should post more pictures in your journal, especially silly ones with painted parts.\\ 
 +I'm off to frolic in the sprinklers like an insane child.\\ 
 +Ah, GeekFu nerdism… We on fire….wahhahah.\\ 
 +I was in a pretty bad funk for five hundred years or so.\\ 
 +If your tie pins the turtle wax, then kings with tails play bellybutton chess with pez dispensers.\\ 
 +i like his cousin, too.\\ 
 +Also today- I managed to squeeze water from a rock. *serious face*\\ 
 +hoollo! vengeance is bad!\\ 
 +its been a hoot.\\ 
 +Made bet that I'd find bunnies in the game- if Gray is reading this, pay up you dirty monkey.\\ 
 +A hippie took my pants.\\ 
 +*goes silent and looks around*\\ 
 +You! Check out my silky skin!\\ 
 +If at first you don't succeed, hire organized crime goons.\\ 
 +You cannot defeat my DDR Stance! Attempt to show me what you have!\\ 
 +One word- Karaoke\\ 
 +You will have to forgive me, I cannot speak a word of boring-nglish.\\ 
 +Moldy jelly beans? That's the medicine daddy needs!\\ 
 +Grab the ointment!\\ 
 +Institute National Bunnygirl month, every month.\\ 
 +Someday when I have the T3 link-up, you will wish you had been nicer to me.\\ 
 +go outside instead of the poison you normally spread on the internets.\\ 
 +You let the Amish have electricity and all hell breaks loose.\\ 
 +What a vibrant coinkydink.\\ 
 +im trying to think of a nice way to say TORMENT OF BURNING BOILING BLISTERING HECK to a small child.\\ 
 +they changed barbie so she was wider and more proportioned?​ WELL NOW HER THIGHS DONT FIT INTO THE OLD BARBIES CLOTHES. shave them down with sand paper.\\ 
 +SUPA KAWAII!! no its not i just wanted to say that. but anyways look\\ 
 +an internexpert told me vats of rancid porridge are ze way of el future.\\ 
 +Captain Of The Space Tinkertoys is MS CRANKY PANTS TONIGHT!\\ 
 +During State of the Union address, play videotapes of special interest guy beatings as a warning to other special interests\\ 
 +cute as a button.\\ 
 +Faking violent death midway through call is mean.\\ 
 +youre right eye is the mafia.\\ 
 +No worries, we still have one tire not completely blown out.\\ 
 +"If only I were eight again"​.\\ 
 +I can lift that using only my tongue.\\ 
 +he was attempting to detonate his car's gas tank.\\ 
 +But it is dark and I am wearing perminent sunglasses.\\ 
 +Do the jungle boogie, jungle boogie.\\ 
 +I appear to be taking major impalement wounds as a result of this exploded machinery being so close to my gut.\\ 
 +protect her from the online hooligans\\ 
 +hey (comma) mind games are bad (period space enter).\\ 
 +So.. screw them! Yeah, I said it! What you gonna do about it?!\\ 
 +aw dont be scared, they dont bite! but they do tear limbs apart and suckle the blood until its very molicules break down and become so unstable it tears apart the fabric of time. but they still dont bite!\\ 
 +who makes this shoddy schlock.\\ 
 +If I were to pay you, I wouldn'​t pay you for nothing. So WORK!\\ 
 +Gnomes who come and steal your breath while you sleep.\\ 
 +i flipped! get it? like a card. you should write these down.\\ 
 +huge anonymous concrete structures of dubious function.\\ 
 +I giggled and tossed food to the deer, one deer threw the food back, then threw rocks at me, then broken bottles. I saw a deer kill a a man and eat his body, I have pictures.\\ 
 +see you there sweet cheeks.\\ 
 +Ninjas make your burgers for you in a secret and ancient method known only to them.\\ 
 +I guess youre wrong. (shut the heck up, to be more specific).\\ 
 +I'd eat a puppy to be where you are!\\ 
 +i have this dang ol' sword for pinaple sakes!\\ 
 +ah holy, a talking lawn gnome!\\ 
 +holy not even funny! that scared me!\\ 
 +The floor is yours, wonderwoman…\\ 
 +you are clever wetting the floor, so i will fall down.\\ 
 +i dont care if you have a coupon! its a coupon to delete my mind? thats a pretty good coupon!\\ 
 +Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.\\ 
 +oh man, good stuff. i'll buy you out and take your ideas some day.\\ 
 +Flying saucers are real, the Air Force doesn'​t exist.\\ 
 +Warning, I brake for the heck of it, then I eat toast for the heck of it, then I drink tea for the heck of it, then then then…\\ 
 +I am a consumer freak, and how!\\ 
 +she pushes untill he attacks, then she karate chop his friggen head off!\\ 
 +scaaary….nuns. especially the flying ones. some of them are body builders.\\ 
 +cause that would make me cry all over the place.\\ 
 +Oven tan? That sounds like fun. Gimme a minute… *hour later and something smells burning*.\\ 
 +thai's all its good for, and that's why it was invented.\\ 
 +weve been dancing with the antilopes and zebra'​s,​ but now its time to get serious!\\ 
 +the sloth attacked me, it jumped at me from in its cage. jumped three inches, but it was a jump just the same. then it hissed. it was more of a hop and a yawn, but it sounded like a hiss.\\ 
 +THAT IS USEFUL NEWS GERALD… once i found a mouse in my house and i named him gerald. oh the times the mouse and i had.\\ 
 +normal life viewed through the lens of madness..? or normal madness viewed through sweet tastey pork.\\ 
 +the fleshreaper flies from house to house collecting torsos.\\ 
 +my homework was incinerated by liquid magma. no the hot kind.\\ 
 +After all this time >​sniffsniffweeps<​ you remembered I punched you.\\ 
 +How to answer that age old question, how to exit a whales digestion.\\ 
 +Up to my ears in bitter tears.\\ 
 +For your unfortunate long winded talking, we have banished you to Mexico. I bid you, Adieu!\\ 
 +My act is all cleaned!\\ 
 +that man will be unlived..deadified..and killed along side the mean maneating spider.\\ 
 +I came back from the dead to say that the expressions in the last panel are delicious, like candy.\\ 
 +Cheer up ya and play nice.\\ 
 +be nice to zume! you guys prob wouldnt have even said anything if someone else wouldnt have started somethign first… quit being followers, jeez people!\\ 
 +It should be an accepted psychotherapeutic tool, like m&​m'​s!\\ 
 +I do not care a moose.\\ 
 +people do mean things 'cause their scared that if they dont then someone will do mean things to them.\\ 
 +i can jump forward.\\ 
 +*boing boing boing* cafine attack!\\ 
 +):( happy AND sad!\\ 
 +i could go for a mansteak right now\\ 
 +im doing fitness, look at me!\\ 
 +*chibi fuzzy kiwi fluffy yummy lolipop kawaii kitten huggle glomp pooky snuggle wuggle candy glazed nummers*\\ 
 +boing boing boing, cafine attack!\\ 
 +*SNNNNOOORRRRREEEEEEE* Fuzzeh, dont leave me….*SSNNNNOOOOORRREEEEE* fuzzeh….\\ 
 +i big like your bracelets. gimme.\\ 
 +hey just droppin'​ by to show ur page some love.\\ 
 +Catch ya on the flip-side.\\ 
 +you honer me with words im not worthy to hear.\\ 
 +thank you for the speedy reply, your insight means a lot to me.\\ 
 +God bless and much love!\\ 
 +Hey what's up bro?\\ 
 +How are Ya?\\ 
 +I MISS YOU!!!!! :'​(\\ 
 +I had fun tonight, ;)\\ 
 +Just droppin a line before I go 4x4in :)\\ 
 +Call Ya Later\\ 
 +You Freekin Rock. THAT IS ALL.\\ 
 +Hit me up some time\\ 
 +Hey what's up, just wanted ta stop by n' say hi missed ya.\\ 
 +I always have good times with you.\\ 
 +Twas good to see you this morning. My day can not go bad in any possible way now.\\ 
 +Hey Hey …… When I get some extra cash, you and I are going to LA.\\ 
 +Have a good one ;)\\ 
 +You're by far the coolest person I've ever met!\\ 
 +Yup. Just saying hi.\\ 
 +When you coming to kick it?\\ 
 +What's up my brotha'​ from anotha'​ motha'​.\\ 
 +Whaaaa? Who're you? o.o\\ 
 +*sniff*. im going to keep you.\\ 
 +Add to humor links: [[http://​​said/​language.shtml|http://​​said/​language.shtml]]\\ 
 +And Bad Google Translation:​ [[http://​​projects/​poetryintranslation|http://​​projects/​poetryintranslation]]\\ 
 +And Bad Analogies: [[http://​​questionableanalogies.htm|http://​​questionableanalogies.htm]]\\ 
 +Were you present when your picture was taken?\\ 
 +How long have you been a Canadian?​\\ 
 +Were you alone or by yourself?​\\ 
 +So you were gone until you returned?​\\ 
 +The youngest son, the 20 year old, how old is he?\\ 
 +You were there until the time you left, is that true?\\ 
 +How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?​\\ 
 +The female you speak of, did she have a beard?\\ 
 +How many times have you sucessfully committed suicide?​\\ 
 +How many autopsies have you performed on dead people?\\ 
 +Was she your daughter all your life?\\ 
 +When a person dies in their sleep do they find out the next morning?​\\ 
 +By whose death was your marrage terminated?​\\ 
 +Was that the same arm you broke as a child?\\ 
 +Can you give us an example of something that you've forgotten?​\\ 
 +Before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?\\ 
 +If I weren'​t under oath, I'd return the compliment.\\ 
 +You were there until the time you left, is that true?\\ 
 +So you were gone until you returned?​\\ 
 +Who's wife did you bring on your honeymoon?​\\ 
 +Do you speak English or a language?​\\ 
 +What were you doing when you were waking up this morning?​\\ 
 +Where was your car at the time it broke down on Main street?\\ 
 +Do you have any children or anything of that kind?\\ 
 +I need blades for my belt sander.\\ 
 +What time does the 7 o'​clock ferry leave?\\ 
 +Where do you think water comes from? The SKY?\\ 
 +How much is that $10 watch?\\ 
 +Didn't he die in a car crash flying to France?\\ 
 +You Canadians hate stereotypes!\\ 
 +Your drivers license wont work, you need a photo ID.\\ 
 +I'm looking for a VCR repair video on VHS.\\ 
 +Great New Taste with Same Great Taste!\\ 
 +Ears pierced while you wait.\\ 
 +Free Parking $7 per day.\\ 
 +If you cant read, phone the number on page 5.\\ 
 +Be Kind - Please Rewind This DVD.\\ 
 +Toilets out of service. Please use closest floor.\\ 
 +Open 12 noon to 12pm.\\ 
 +Do not open this door when locked.\\ 
 +Please no stolen credit cards.\\ 
 +All three involved races are represented in the memorial: African American, White, and Caucasian.\\ 
 +Don't eat with your mouth full!\\ 
 +We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.\\ 
 +You'll know it like the back of your head.\\ 
 +Let's take a wild stab in the back.\\ 
 +Diet plans that don't work, Try another one.\\ 
 +It works great. It just won't come on.\\ 
 +Are the alligators real?\\ 
 +What time can I feed the bears?\\ 
 +Raw toast? Eww.\\ 
 +How often do you mow the tundra?\\ 
 +Why did they build the ruins so close to the road?\\ 
 +Did people build this, or did Indians?​\\ 
 +How much of the cave is underground?​\\ 
 +Do you put the wild animals away at night?\\ 
 +So what's in the unexplored part of the cave?\\ 
 +Does it ever rain in the cave?\\ 
 +Is this cavern just a hole in the ground?\\ 
 +Are there schools in Canada? Are there phones in Canada?\\ 
 +How do the elk know they'​re supposed to cross at the Elk Crossing signs?\\ 
 +Is that two kilometers by foot or by car?\\ 
 +I saw an animal today. Could you tell me what it was?\\ 
 +You cook with fire? Dont your pans melt?\\ 
 +A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.\\ 
 +The pedestrian was confused, so I nudged him with my car.\\ 
 +The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him.\\ 
 +No you cant order a dozen, we only serve 6 and 12.\\ 
 +If it's in stock, we have it!\\ 
 +The patient has no past history of suicides.\\ 
 +The patient refused an autopsy.\\ 
 +The skin was moist and dry.\\ 
 +She is numb from her toes down.\\ 
 +She was sick so I had her shot.\\ 
 +Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father'​s fault.\\ 
 +My fortune cookie said, "Your next interview will result in a job" and I like your company in particular.\\ 
 +I'll need $30K to start, full medical, three weeks vacation, stock options and ideally a European sedan. Imediate retirement prefered.\\ 
 +I vow to fulfill the goals of the company as long as I live.\\ 
 +I'm looking for a life size model of the earth.\\ 
 +Is the basement upstairs?​\\ 
 +Bridge may be.\\ 
 +Caution Water On Road During Rain.\\ 
 +Members and non-members only.\\ 
 +Max weight 187 or more.\\ 
 +Product not meant for light or dark conditions.\\ 
 +and an extra big hug back to you!\\ 
 +mwhahaha….nice we make a good team\\ 
 +Let's see… what part does kitty want petted?\\ 
 +Yay! It's name! *huggles*\\ 
 +*tries to pounce on it*\\ 
 +I am… *strikes a pose* The hotttnesssss!\\ 
 +Sweet! -n_n- 
 +my self-esteem is now boosted one point!!\\ 
 +Really? - clings -\\ 
 +O.O …. Oh no… Oh, dearie me…\\ 
 +I luff yew! .__.\\ 
 +the seal cup\\ 
 +looks soooo kawaii! I wanna pet him…\\ 
 +Let's go out! …Side!\\ 
 +stop calling me bunny-chan!\\ 
 +start sweating really BIG tear drops\\ 
 +'nuff said\\ 
 +major drag\\ 
 +No kidding\\ 
 +AHAHA, AHA, HA. No, man. No.\\ 
 +how cud ne1 eat sumfin so quikly\\ 
 +stfu plz =) \\ 
 +o rly? YA RLY. No wai!\\ 
 +LEIK KAWAII!!!1!!1!11111!!!1\\ 
 +i'll fr3ak 
 +ph33l teh ph33r!\\ 
 +wsup peeps\\ 
 +Ur un42n8ely ZUXXERS\\ 
 +wan sum lo!l\\ 
 +cuz Aiight wuts wrng yur cat is n00b liek u hahea\\ 
 +pry ur not runnin a good copy of the internet\\ 
 +wut u use aol\\ 
 +SHARUP ur f4ce!\\ 
 +yeaaaaaaaahh!! anime Raaaaaaawks!!Pika Pika!\\ 
 +W@t r j00 ta1kin b0u+, n00b???//??/?​SLASH//?​QUESTIONMARK?​\\ 
 +ROFLCAKE: A form of ROFL, where "​CAKE"​ is usually replaced by other foods (eg, "​BURGER",​ "​SANDWICH"​)\\ 
 +…Luffs on you <3\\ 
 +luuuuuurv you!\\ 
 +i luvz u\\ 
 +1 #3@R7 U\\ 
 +Just what I needed!\\ 
 +Yes finally!\\ 
 +How the Smeegle did you do that????​\\ 
 +You do it so well.\\ 
 +Tooo much…cuteness…..overload…brain….malfunction *twitch twicth ka-booooom*.\\ 
 +*Overwhelmed by hero awe/​respect/​etc.*\\ 
 +way up there with the sheep thing. For suresies.\\ 
 +Persnickity Cats.\\ 
 +Yuckin'​ it up (chatting).\\ 
 +scrumptious or scrump-didily-umptious\\ 
 +Eee ChibiPlushie! Will it make me all better… *squishes!* It totally does. :D\\ 
 +Came out very well!\\ 
 +HOTCHI MOTCHI! That art is good!\\ 
 +You have just become my hero times ten. Times taco salad.\\ 
 +Your art is even better than my secret fantasy of being locked in a Bestbuy store with fierce ninja monks and battling to the honorable death! KO!\\ 
 +**End of page. Finally.**
humor/silly_words.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/21 08:44 by reb