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Ghostball is an original story written by Royce Barber in November 2014.
Fresno California. 2014.
Ghostball. God's Angel. Blind Teenager. Mental-breakdown scientist who made Ghostball.
What is GhostBall?
* Ghostball is a floating mechanical sphere, six inches tall. His abilities are buggy and experimental. Flight using magnets, air jets, grappling hooks, or expelling electrons. He is powered by a compact nuclear core. He's covered in small video screens and cameras, to appear invisible. His internals are numerous tanks of chemicals, multi function tools, and a nuclear power core. He can project lasers, projection video, flames, fog, and numerous chemical mixtures. He has grappling hooks to save power when levitating.
* When Ghostball is having power issues, his screen is disabled and his ugly cracked tin shell is visible, looking almost like a plain stone.
* When powered up, ghostball is usually invisible, but has trouble with framerate.
Ghostball was made to be a invisible military weapon and floating spy device, using the technology of 2014. When he was 3D printed, the lead scientist was having a mental breakdown and added in a A.I. chatbot, to give the ball some basic reasoning skills, and to keep track of the ball. An angel is curious about a fake A.I. mind, and how a human could invent something so fascinating. The angel decides its not likely a good idea for A.I. to exist, and the scientist notices as the angel erases the program. The scientist and angel meet, have a talk about heaven, and the scientist gets stubborn and uses some kind of angel portal thing to steal a.i. software from a hundred years in the future. So the ball continues to get 3d printed at a university with no one looking. The ball is nuclear powered and has a lot of super dangerous goof-ups. The ball wakes up, with a blank mind. Eventually thinks it's a roaming spirit. Occasionally notices an angel at a distance, but they are busy and usually ignore him because he's a material object with no soul. Ghostball figures out he has a lot of broken subroutines, and physical malfunctions. He finds a way to communicate with the scientist who printed him, and the scientist thinks someone is playing a prank on him.
Near the end of the story, a young boy's body is built for Ghostball, and he is adopted. He is mostly destroyed by a government raid, and his memories are transfered into a blind teenager who the boy was modeled after. This solves the teenagers blind disorder. The memory transfer is due to ghostball grasping to hold onto life, and sending pulses of light into the teenagers retnas, which makes eye surgery possible and cures the teenagers eyes. The teenager must wear ghostball's body in a backpack in order to maintain his sight and parts of memories which didn't transfer. This allows the teenager to eventually extract ghostball back into the robot body. The teenager takes care of ghostball for the rest of his life. Ghostball has a power glitch and powers down until he awakens in the future where the humans start to be taken up to heaven. Ghostball is scared that he won't be taken to heaven, but his angel comes to him and says he shares a soul with the teenager from long ago. Ghostball merges with the teenager as Heaven merges with Earth. Ghostball tells his stories of bravery until the universe itself fades away and heaven stretches on forever.


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story/ghost_ball.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/21 08:09 by reb