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Eternal Paradise Armada
An old short story by Royce Edward Barber. About 2003.
This story is about a race called the Eternal Paradise Armada. The realm they live in, their universe, has a problem. Reality was falling apart at the seams. Dreams and real life were mixing uncontrollably. The once granite-dwelling peaceful race of the EPA is so ancient that the reality within its realm is separating into sporadic clouds of thought and imagination and empty space. Civilians maintain their individuality by talking and hearing others talk yet not always seeing each other. Senses were many, much more than the six senses humans on Earth were capable of, yet so many senses took a lot of thought and concentration to maintain. Living in the realm of the EPA was over time becoming a dream and many people had fallen in hibernation for billions of years. Over half the population was deep within a complex pile of layers of dreams, a dream within a dream within a dream, eventually connecting to another realm altogether. But those secret dream realms are not what this book is about. The EPA’s solid reality had become fuzzy like a cotton and silk sheet unwoven yet behind it’s haze you see a solid wall but when you reach out it blurs away like a dream and you feel like you just lost the love of a lifetime each time you pour out enough energy to grasp for the legendary solid wall. That solid wall, is actually the edge of their realm, the edge of the very universe they dwelled in. Their hope, was to store up enough reality to break through the edge of the universe and thus reality would flood in and awake the entire race of the EPA.
Normality is a pricey substance being stored up for a legendary mission that some started to doubt, but the culture of the EPA depends upon the storing of reality, the flow and the consistency of the mission itself, to grasp onto what little solidity can be found. The mission itself was a desperate hold onto some consistency and memories.
The history of the EPA is something like this… The EPA realm were once explorers of a vast ocean many times the size of the Earth, and protectors of great amounts of technology. Their technology was woven into the very fabric they wore, the air they breathed, and thus they forgot it existed. The technology then being on auto-mode and not being monitored nor instructed, started to overlap organization systems. The OS is called OceanOS, it ran off microscopic natural crystals in the air that produced a rainbow information display whenever one needed to know anything. No longer knowing how to fully interact with OceanOS, the race of the EPA became dependant on the automated OS features. This dependency led to laziness and over thousands of years the people started to forget who they originally were. They didn’t remember if there were any births, or deaths, or one face from another. Over generations, sometimes people wondered about their history, but generations later they no longer cared. The wonder and excitement for exploring came and went over time, many times, but the spark of exploration never fully left the race of the EPA. The ocean dried up and the land itself withered away, but the EPA lived on feeding on their ancient technology producing food for them. Their realm eventually started to collapse in on itself, and thus brings us back to the legendary solid wall of the ream itself. That wall that they want to break through but need a lot of motivation to do it. In theory, once that wall is pierced, a new civilization will either be born from the flood of reality, or the race of the EPA will simply not be able to copy and become extinct. The most aware civilians of the EPA had scientific studies to maintain the flow of reality into containment centers. The containment centers were themselves made of reality, condensed and formed into building blocks, like clay.
One day which was actually an unthinkable amount of time, the edge of the universe was nearing the Reality-Containment centers. It was either pop the containment centers to send out a shock of reality, or the edge of the universe might absorb the reality itself. So EPA directed the containment centers at the edge of the universe and fired one beam of reality, the thickness of a human hair with a massive force, and a hole in the universe was formed. Now, the problem was reality was only trickling in, and not the forceful pour that the EPA had prayed for. So the EPA gathered together its most awake civilians and ventured out into the great hole in the wall of the universe. The EPA found many planets in the neighboring universe, and it was a refreshing feeling beyond words to once again be fully aware of one’s self and not feel caught up in a dream. Reality in this neighboring universe was strong and thus started to set into the EPA adventurers. So the EPA adventurers realized they would soon need air and heat, floating out in space as they were. They weren’t yet completely real, but time was running out. So they build a docking station between the hole in the EPA’s universes wall and the adjoining universe. The EPA, living in a spiritual half-dream for billions of years, wasn’t used to using real building tools anymore, so they called upon what little they knew of OceanOS to teach them how to build a proper docking station in the hole of the wall of the universe. Time was once again short, relatively speaking, as reality was seeping into the docking station and more solid building methods needed to be understood. Many of the EPA civilizations that had just awoken due to the new reality trickling into their universe, didn’t understand what it was like to have a body and have to breath air and work with tools. They didn’t grasp the concept of having to work or even to think. The docking station was good enough to be the start of a new world. This world was called DockingWorld, as it was a doorway to the EPA realm of dreams. The neighboring universe that surrounded half of DockingWorld was beautiful and vast, and contained a planet called Earth. The EPA and Earthlings got along well and they realized something magnificent. Both the EPA realm and Earth, believed in the same exact God. It turns out that the realm of the EPA was originally from Earth and had fallen into the same dream and were absorbed into what they called the EPA realm. They invented their technologies to explore this EPA realm and over time they forgot about Earth, but OceanOS had a lot of information on Earth. The Earthlings were astounded, as just recently thousands of residents from around Earth had disappeared. OceanOS’s historical log matched the named of the EPA founders to the names of the missing Earth scientists. Apparently time went much faster in the EPA realm than it did for the Earth realm. Now with the earth realm and the EPA realm connected, the time difference leveled out. EPA realm had a good dose of reality and Earths realm had a good dose of many imaginative dream-like senses. The EPA race originated from those very same disappeared scientists. The Earthlings that now traveled through DockingWorld into the realm of the EPA started a project to drill through the other walls of the EPA realm. It turns out with every hole they made, a new universe was discovered. Many DockingWorlds were built to connect all the new universes with EPA-Realm. And from there, many adventures started.


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story/eternal_paradise_armada.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/18 19:52 by reb