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* This article is: For learning about sports, and possibly engaging in the sport. Quick simple lists of rules and tips.
* This article is not: Complete detailed instructions on any particular sport.
* Related articles here on RoyceBarber.Com:
* Caution Statement: These are my personal notes. I'm not a professional. This article is not connected with any organization or company. Be careful of injury to yourself and others, especially if you have no health insurance.
* Do you have corrections and ideas?: We love hearing from guests! Feel free to use the Contact Page.
* Note: While playing by some form of standardized rules helps everyone learn together, it's up to the team how many players there are, or what rules to learn. Kids for example, don't want the whole rule book.
Similarity in Sports
* Sports
* Teams, Players
* Goalkeeper
* Goal
* Yard Lines
* Field
* Rules
* Play Book
* Penalty
* Overtime
* Win/Lost
* Uniform
* Safety Gear
Water Polo


Soccer aka “Association Football”
Soccer (aka Association Football).
Sources: Nearly all data on this page is from Wikipedia.
* Team sport played between two teams of 11 players.
* A goal on two short ends of a rectangular grass field.
* Maneuvering a ball into opposing goal, using ANY part of their body except hands/arms.
* Goalkeepers stay in the goal, keep the ball out of the goal; are the only people who may touch the ball with hands/arms.
* Team scoring most goals wins, or a draw is declared, meaning extra time or a Penalty shootout.
* Ball must stay in the field when playing.
* Penalty Shootout aka Penalties: After extra time has been used after a draw. Generally used in “knockout games”, as opposed to “League games”. Different than Penalty Kick. Decides which team wins and or progresses in tournament. Kick from the penalty mark. Players are in center circle, while kicker and defending goalkeeper keep outside of circle. Kicker team goalkeeper stands on 'junction line' near assistant referee. Goals scored during shootout are not included in final score, nor added to players record. Team making kick is determined by coin toss. No player is allowed to take a second kick. Only a small subset of a player skill is tested by a shootout, and is often criticized. Other tie-breaking methods may be used.
* Referee:
* Goalkeeper:
* Lines on Field: Penalty, Junction, …?
* Formation: Position of players, defined by manager, to assist in attacking or defensive soccer.
* Penalty Kick: A free kick, taken from 12 yards out from goal. Only the defending goalkeeper between kicker and goal. All players other than kicker and goalkeeper must be behind penalty mark, behind ball, & 10 yards from ball until the ball is kicked.

Football (Pigskin. Not Soccer.)
* Different than “Association Football” aka Soccer.

Basics of Professional Sports

Basics of Olympic Sports





Checkers (Black and white Discs)


* Dance:
* Some kinds of dances:
* Some topics related to dance: Professional performance. Dance therapist. Dance coach. Dance competition. Dance choreographer. Group or solo dance. Dance as hobby. Dance in theator. Dances of ethnicity or region. Dances through history. Spiritual dances. Dance as rituals or celebrations. Dance teams. Academic dance degrees. Dance props, costumes, stage.

* Primarily involves the use of motorized vehicles. Usually using a way array of Gasoline Engines.
* Motorsport can be either Racing or NonRacing. A race is a game of speed.
* Motor Racing is a subset of Motorsport. Motor Racing involves competitors racing against each other. Such as auto racing, motorcycle racing, truck racing, air racing, motorboat racing, snowmobile racing and lawn mower racing.
* Non-Racing Motorsport examples are motorcycle trials, freestyle motocross, drifting and tractor pulling.
Board Games (Mental Sport)
* Links: Read a wikipedia article on board games.

Rugby (Looks like a Football)

* A player uses numerous pole-like instruments to hit a small ball into a hole, with the fewest number of hits, called strokes. This player becomes the winner.
* The hole is on a “course”. A course is a non-standardized playing area. Usually a grassy field with pits of sand and or water. The holes being a distance apart.
* Instruments used to hit the ball, are called a club, driver, putter, and iron.
* There are usually 9 and or 18 holes on a course.
* Equipment: Golf clubs, golf balls, golf shoes, and golf bags.
* Round:
* Par: The number of strokes a skilled golfer should require to complete play of a given hole.
* Green:
* Penalty Stroke: Occurs when ball is lost or trapped, such as in water hazard, or player refuses to play the ball. Penalty strokes are counted as an extra swing.
Disqualification: Can occur from cheating, improper play, or any rule infractions.
* Scoring:
* Team Play:
* Handicap: Numerical measure of an amateur golfer's ability to play golf over 18 holes. Handicap generally represents the number of strokes above “par” that a player will achieve on an above average day.
* Tour:
* Tee:
* Fairway:
* PGA:
* Two basic forms of Golf: Stroke Play/Stableford Points, or Match Play.
* Basic types of shots: drive, approach, put, chip, bump & run, punch/knockdown, lay-up, flop, fade, hook, slice, shank, topped/bladed, duffed, and chunked/turfed.
* Most popular Golf courses:
Read more about Golf on Wikipedia:

Misc Notes
Internet Resources
* Wikipedia on Sports:
* Wikipedia Category of Sports Articles:
* Wikipedia Outline of Sports (HUGE list of sports, linking to specific articles):
* Google's Open Directory on Sports:
* DMOZ Open Directory on Sports:


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lifehack/sports_rules_for_dummies.1505280732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/13 05:32 by reb