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This article is just a stub, it shall have subpages in due time. This is not professional notes nor advice.


My goals for this article as follows;


* When I read a book, take as many notes as possible, for better memory retention. Such as the California Drivers book.

* Keep notes structured in bulleted list for fast visual scanning.

* Eliminate unnecessary words or characters. So, “The cat in the hat sat down” would be “HatCat layed”.

* I shall examine the structure of “Cliff Notes” and similar publications, as well as various “short hand” philosophy.

* Keep my Evernote app simple by placing major literature notes here in subpages.




* Subpages thus far: None. Driver book will be listed in due time.


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lifehack/book_notes.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 06:10 by reb