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* This is not professional advice. These are my personal notes.
* This article focuses mainly on the running of an existing small to mid-size church.
* This article is just a stub.
* Ministries: Music (Worship Band), Outreach Events, Fund Raising, Future Idea Board, Technical.
* Staff: Board of Elders, Janitorial.
* Construction Contracts.
* Congregation.
* Maintaining Volunteers: Sunday School, Nursery.
* Building: Cleaning, Holiday Decorating, Plumbing, Repairs, Upgrades, Painting.
* Office Work such as answering phones, accounting, budget, utilities/bills, fliers, promotion team, new member recruiting welcome basket.
* Dividing up the responsibilities: Outsourcing big projects.
* Tech Ministry: Dealing with website, TV projectors, sound system, automation, databases, computer operating systems, security.
* Tech Ministry Software: Accounting, OpenOffice for Member Database, OpenOffice for Flyers, InkScape for Graphics, Google Callendar (via GoogleApps) for scheduling and invitations.
* Other Churches: Integration of services/resources with fellow Churches such as NorthSide. Listing of all religious institutions of all denominations in Central California.
* Membership Class.
* Sunday Classes.
* External, Member Hosted Life Groups.
* Outreach Committee to causes, churches, missions donations.
* Finances Committee with Banking Information.
* Event security.
* Rooms of a Church: Foyer (Entry). Sunday school rooms. Multi purpose rooms. Meeting rooms. Offices. Nursery.
* And so much more, depending on congregation size.


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bible/church_administration_running.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/08 06:18 by reb